- Small pumpkins
- Craft paint (pick whichever colors you like!)
- Paint brushes
We first cleaned our pumpkins to get any extra dirt off so they were nice and smooth.
Start by putting the first layer of paint on. You will need to put 2-3 coats of paint depending on the pigment of the colors you chose. Let paint dry for about 3-5 minutes in between layers. When painting the "icing" on, make sure to leave a ring around the stem as the "donut hole." And don't worry-- it doesn't need to be perfect, because hey, donuts aren't always perfectly iced!
Yay! The first few layers are done and ready to let sit and dry. Allow pumpkins to sit for about 5 minutes before painting on the sprinkles. Feel free to do whatever "toppings" you want on your donut-pumpkin. Get creative!
Time for sprinkles!!
Hmmm… which is what??
We LOVE how our donut-pumkins turned out!
We wanna see what awesome crafts your doing while rocking your Pura Vida Bracelets. Tag us on instagram using #puravidabracelets!