Make it Your Mantra
Some people think of a personal quality that that they want to work on. Do you want to be a kinder, braver, or more creative person? Pick one trait and intentionally practice it each day until the full moon. Use this trait as a your new mental mantra. When it’s over look back on how much you’ve grown since the beginning.Plant Something Physically
The day of the rising Crescent moon is the best day to plant something physically, too. It's the perfect day to start that succulent project you’ve been wanting to. Planting something will make a positive impact on the environment, and can also positively impact you. Taking care of this new plant (or garden if you go big) will help you practice discipline and commitment. Watching something grow physically can be a great reminder that you are growing internally during this time as well! As you watch your new plant grow let it be a reminder of the positive change you’re bringing about.Create New Beginnings
Creating healthy habits is hard, use the new Crescent moon to give you the inspiration you need to get on track. Is there a difficult yoga pose you've been trying to perfect or a list of hiking trails you’d like to conquer? Maybe you’ve been wanting to be more intentional about the food you’re eating. If you’ve been wanting to commit to making a positive change in your body, start on the day of the next Crescent moon and try to keep it going until the full moon.What’s something you want to work on this Crescent moon? Let us know in the comments!